3 Vehicles That Can Benefit Your Bug Out Plan

Creating a bug out plan is a crucial part of any disaster plan; however, a bug out plan is also going to require a suitable vehicle in order to be effective, such as a truck, SUV, or motorcycle. Below are some facts about each one that may help you decide which is best for your plan. Truck A truck is one of the most popular options when it comes to preparing a bug out plan, and with good reason.

What Can You Do If You Don't Get Your Car's Title After Purchase?

Purchasing a used car can save you a fortune over buying a new one. Unfortunately, things can happen that prevent you from taking possession of the title. If you have purchased a car and haven't received the title, you won't be able to prove that you actually own the car legally, you won't be able to sell it, and you won't even be able to scrap it. If you haven't received the title for a used car that you have purchased, you can find a few options below that will help you.