Consider Rear View Visibility Options When You Buy Your Next Used Vehicle

Over 15,000 injuries occur in back-over incidents, according to the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration. These heartbreaking accidents occur because the driver's rear view visibility is blocked. So, when the driver places the vehicle in reverse, he or she hits the person directly behind the vehicle.

Blind Spots Lead to Back-Over Incidents

Truck drivers are prone to back-over incidents because they deal with larger blind spot areas. These drivers sit higher than they might in cars. So, they might not see a person or object standing behind the truck, and might roll over the person when driving in reverse.

Warning Devices Prevent Back-Over Accidents

To prevent back-over accidents, companies often outfit their heavy-duty trucks with alarms that sound when drivers place these vehicles in a reversing position.  They also might use spotters who direct the drivers as they reverse. These spotters make sure it is safe for trucks to backup. 

Children and Seniors Are at Risk

But, back-over incidents aren't exclusive to the workplace.  Senior citizens and young children account for more than 50 percent of the back-over fatalities each year, according to the NHSTA. Unfortunately, vehicles marketed to private citizens usually aren't outfitted with alarms, and drivers don't get outside help when reversing.

NHSTA Rear Visibility Ruling

In 2014, the NHSTA passed a regulation requiring visibility technology in new vehicles under 10,000 pounds.  The ruling includes the following directives:

  • Expand rear view to detect areas behind the vehicle
  • Rear visibility must include a zone that's 10 feet by 20 feet immediately behind the vehicle
  • All passenger vehicles, buses, cars and trucks weighing under 10,000 pounds must comply

Some manufacturers are already installing visual displays in vehicles on their own, but all automakers must abide by the expanded rear visibility rule by 2018.

Rear Visibility Cameras

If you're buying a used truck or car, the only rear visibility your vehicle might have are your mirrors.  The good news is that you don't have to buy a new vehicle to enjoy a safer driving experience.  You can buy a rearview camera and have it installed in your vehicle. 

If your vehicle has an in-dash screen, you need only buy the camera and integrate it with your current system. But, if you don't have a screen, you can buy an all-in one system that includes the camera and the screen. You also can buy the items separately and have them installed in your vehicle.

Make sure improved rear view visibility is on your list when you buy your next used truck or car. For more information, contact Auto Max or a similar company.
